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  • Istituto di Intelligenza Meccanica

Eurohaptics, Europe's largest event on haptic technologies: Antonio Frisoli, full professor at the Sant'anna School, among the 4 keynotes to present the state of the art from wearable technologies to telerobotics

The full professor the Institute of Mechanical Intelligence is given one of the keynote speeches to review the evolution of technological principles and new research trends in the field of exoskeletons and wearable exoskeletons
Publication date: 01.07.2024
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Antonio Frisoli, full professor of robotics at theInstitute of Mechanical Intelligence of the Sant'Anna School, chairs the keynotes of the international conference Eurohaptics 2024, the most important European conference dedicated to new technologies for tactile, or haptic, perception through innovative devices, where leading experts in the field meet to explore the latest in haptic technologies.

At international conferences, the keynote speaker, an expert or speaker considered to be influential, is responsible for opening one of the days with a significant presentation or discussion. These sessions are designed to provide valuable insights, inspiration and innovative strategies to the audience, usually focusing on a central theme or critical topic. In this role, Antonio Frisoli, head of the Human-Robot Interaction Area of the Institute of Mechanical Intelligence and president of the Artes 4.0 National Competence Centre, opens the third day of the Eurohaptics 2024 Conference, held in Lille, France, from Monday 1 to Wednesday 3 July 2024, with a talk entitled 'From wearable haptics to the new frontiers of telerobotics'.

Antonio Frisoli's talk reviews theevolution of technological principles and new research trends in the field of wearable haptics interface systems, which is gaining increasing attention for its seamless integration with extended reality. In a second moment, the focus is on the new challenges of telerobotics and telemanipulation for robotic avatars and humanoid robotics, where haptics can provide a crucial role for applications in remote control, learning manipulation skills and telemedicine applications.

Eurohaptics 2024 will include meeting sessions and an industry forum with the aim of facilitating meaningful connections between academia and industry and promoting opportunities for collaboration. It is an opportunity to learn about cutting-edge research, participate in engaging discussions and witness innovative demonstrations showing the cutting-edge of different haptics technology applications.